In moments of deep trust, I believe many of us enjoy sharing with friends some of the intimate experiences from the Spiritual Exercises. While St. Ignatius does not specifically suggest this in the contemplation on the Nativity, many people recount a profound moment of being invited to take the Infant Jesus from Mary’s hands. If we have received that grace, it comes with a strong sense that it is a pure gift.
At the recent gathering of the JCEP Education Delegates, we reflected on the theme of sharing the faith in our time. We described Europe as post-Christendom and post-secular, but not post-Christian – like every era, ours can only be pre-Christian. This is a liberating thought, as we are not confined by the urge to rescue at any cost the established relationships between Christians and society. The "post" in post-secularism calls for new answers.
Many elements of this reflection connected us to Christmas. For instance, we are called to evangelize “in weakness,” now that we no longer have political or cultural power to depend on – just like the Child Jesus.
We also follow the Christmas logic when reflecting on what motivates us to proclaim the Gospel. Just as God loved the world and sent His only Son, we proclaim the Good News because we love the world and all its inhabitants. In our post-secular part of the world, suffering from an “epidemic of unhappiness,” we wish to share the gift of faith, which gives meaning. To a world deceived and frightened by various false gods, we offer the gift of liberating hope. We invite this world marked by virtual isolation to a community that celebrates together.
Is there any hope that the gift will be accepted? In depictions of the Adoration of the Magi, the Magi are usually shown standing at a respectful distance from the Holy Family. In the Scrovegni Chapel, Giotto dared to depict the true nature of the “miraculous exchange” that took place. The Magi’s precious gifts are met by Mary’s infinitely more valuable gift – the very reason for their long journey.
On behalf of the entire Jesuit Conference of European Provincials, I wish you a peaceful and joyful Christmas season and a blessed New Year!
Dalibor Renić SJ
JCEP President
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