According to the new Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 individuals have a set of rights in relation to the protection of their personal data. In the following lines we clarify relevant information in this area:
1) Who is responsible for your data?
The Jesuit Conference of European Provincials is responsible for your data. Our registered address is Rue des Trévires 3, Etterbeek 1040, Belgium. We are registered as an AISBL (association internationale sans but lucrative) in Belgium and in accordance with the Royal Decree, WL 22/16.793 (6 November 2016) under the Registration Number: 0666455326. We are the data controller of the data which we collect from you and as such we control the ways your personal data are collected and the purposes for which your personal data are used.
2) Personal data we collect about you
Depending on how you use our services and our websites, we might collect the following kinds of information about you:
Use of our services
Data collected
Access to the website
Signing up for the newsletter
Name / Last Name / Email / Subscription interests
Profile Generation
Username / Name / Last Name / Email Address / Password / Partner in Mission or Jesuit / Province / Country / Belonging to concrete networks of the Society of Jesus in Europe and the Near East
3) Why we gather your personal data?
We can only use your personal data if we have a proper reason for doing so (also called “legitimate interest”). According to the law, we can only use your data for one or more of these reasons:
Legitimate interests are our reasons for using your data on the basis of:
Even so, we will not unfairly put our legitimate interests above what is best for you. In point 4 we have set out the different ways in which we use your personal data and the reasons we rely on for using that data.
*All organisations process personal data to deliver and improve their products or services. Many companies need to process data collected from their services or products in order to deliver that service, or to instruct their products how to work and to continuously keep on improving them.
4) How we use your data?
Through your access to the website we will collect cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your device by the web browser of your device. We use cookies placed on your devices to collect data about your use of our websites and on-board entertainment system. We also use data from third parties (see ‘Sharing your data’ below). We use the information from these different sources in the following ways:
For more information about cookies and how you can manage cookies and remove them, please refer to our Cookies Policy.
5) How long do we keep your data?
We keep your data for 3 years since the last time you have made use of it. Once that time limit has passed we understand that you are no longer interested in the information/services we can provide and the system will proceed to delete your data securely.
6) How do we protect your data?
We protect your personal data against unauthorised access, unlawful use, accidental loss, corruption or destruction.
We use technical measures such as encryption and password protection to protect your data and the systems they are held in. We also use operational measures to protect the data, for example by limiting the number of people who have access to the databases
We keep these security measures under review.
7) Sharing your data
We do not share your data with third parties. In the event that this changed you would be notified accordingly.
8) Sending your data outside of the European Economic Area
We will not send your data outside of the European Economic Area
9) Your rights
You are entitled to see copies of all personal data held by us and to amend, correct or delete such data. You can also limit, restrict or object to the processing of your data. You can send us an email with your interest in the correction or deletion of your data at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to us at rue des Trévires 3, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium.
If you gave us your consent to use your data, e.g. so that we can send you newsletters, you can withdraw your consent from the bottom of the emails you receive.
You can object to our use of your data where we rely on our legitimate interests to do so. We explained the legitimate interests we rely in the table above under the heading ‘How we use your personal data’.
When you get in touch, we will come back to you as soon as possible and where possible within one month. If your request is more complicated, it may take a little longer to come back to you but we will come back to you within two months of your request. There is no charge for most requests, but if you ask us to provide a significant about of data for example we may ask you to pay a reasonable admin fee. We may also ask you to verify your identity before we provide any information to you to make sure you are the person owner of the data.
If the Jesuit Conference of European Provincials decides to change this privacy policy, the changes will be posted on this page.
10) Complaints
If you have any complaints concerning the Jesuit Conference of European Provincials’ processing of your personal data please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to us at rue des Trévires 3, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium.
Please note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority which is responsible for the protection of personal data in the country where you live or work, or in which you think a breach of data protection laws might have taken place. For the case of Belgium for example, you can contact the Commission de la protection de la vie privée by telephone on +32 (0)2 274 48 00 or by using the online contact form available through the Commission’s website at
Contact Us
You can email us at any moment at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to us at rue des Trévires 3, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium.
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