The British Jesuits have launched a series of Vocations videos, which will feature across social media channels. The videos look at a day in the life of several members of the Province, including both priests and Novices. The series of fascinating videos are accompanied by personal blogs, with signposting for viewers to find out more information. They are part of the Jesuits’ outreach to both men who may be considering exploring a vocation, and those who are more generally interested in the work of the Order.
During the month of February these videos have appeared:
The Servant
Dermot Preston is a Jesuit priest serving the parish and the poor in Newcastle. He says of the experience: "Britain has become a yet-more fragmented place with strikes and industrial action, but the poor cannot strike or withdraw their labour to make their absence felt – they cling on, watching somewhat helplessly, as the powers of this world push them about like corks in a fast-flowing river."
You can read the Blog by Fr Dermot Preston SJ here
The Adventurer
Fr Michael Barrow SJ was 91 years old when we filmed this interview, and had been a Jesuit for over 70 years. Like all Jesuits, his career has been incredibly varied, including stints as a teacher in the UK and as a parish priest in Barbados. Here he reflects on his life and his vocation.
You can read Words by Fr Michael Barrow SJ here
The First Vows
After two years in the Novitiate, we see Mikhael Ahmad take his First Vows and become a Brother in the Society of Jesus.
You can read the Blog by Br Mikhael Ahmad SJ here.
If you are thinking about your place in the world, are interested in exploring your vocation or calling, or want to know more about the Society of Jesus, please visit the vocations page on our website
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