

2 Media Initiatives coming from the European Mediterranean Province: a video with the history of Jesuits in Italy and a new website

The Jesuits in Italy: 500 years in 3 minutes. 


The first Jesuit school in Italy was opened in Messina in 1548. It was to be the first of many institutions around the world for students’ education.

From the Collegio in Messina to the Collegio Romano and other Jesuit institutions in various cities: the Jesuit schools are a reference for young people’s education.

The Ignatian method, expressed in the Ratio Studiorum, has a profound impact on the formation process.

Still today, Jesuit pedagogy looks with renewed interest at the challenges facing us in the future: forming boys and girls to be men and women for others.

Today, as in the past, we walk alongside young people as they make important choices: from MEG programs, to courses in Selva di Val Gardena, to university chaplaincies.

Inspired by Ignatius' experience, we offer Spiritual Exercises, through the Ignatian Center for Spirituality, in order to help people find God in all things.

We are committed to clergy and religious life formation, in view of priests, men and women religious able to face pastoral care and its continuous challenges.

The cultural centers are in dialogue on geographical and cultural frontiers, even with what is not specifically Catholic.

Finally, the social apostolate, in a multi-ethnic society, gives many lay people the opportunity to experience significant volunteer work and service.

We look to the future willing to be flexible and to engage in dialogue with the present and the future.

EUM Province has a new website

The new website of the Jesuits of Italy, Malta, Albania and Romania, the Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus since 2017, will go online on 2 August: Jesuits-eum.org . It consists of 433 religious who are present in 38 communities and 41 works. The new portal, with a short description of the mission "Reconcile with God, with others and with creation" in the homepage, is part of a project of a renewed and shared digital presence promoted by the EUM Province, in collaboration with Kaleidon and 5A design, who have prepared specific guidelines for the different realities that make up the Province. Next-generation websites - from MAGIS to Centre for Ignatian Spirituality, to the Jesuit Social Network - have been created with user experience in mind, to provide correct information adapted to various user devices, so as to grow in our capacity to serve the church in the current digital era.

The site, which is both in Italian and in English, facilitates the filtering of news about the different areas of apostolic work: from young people to the excluded, and from the Exercises to the care of creation. It offers a rich range of vocation testimonies, and focuses on spirituality, the history of the Society of Jesus and Ignatius of Loyola, with a section dedicated to the Ignatian Year, 500 years after his conversion. Online resources are available for prayer and formation, together with a section dedicated to media, with video and audio clips as well as links to bloggers and to social networks: facebook, twitter, instagram, and YouTube. To remain updated, you can subscribe to the upcoming newsletter.


Jesuits EUM
