
Magis Europe 2020 registration opened.

As summer is approaching, there are more and more details revealed about this year’s Ignatian youth festival held in Hungary, Austria, Romania and Slovakia. In January, we sent reports about the launch of the event’s website (magis.jesuits.eu) and the registration process to have begun; February saw the revealing of the various experiments the gathering will offer; and now the latest news is the opening of the application from 1 March to 15 May.

If you understand the language of the text you are just reading, are older than 18 but younger than 35, can keep yourself free from 1 to 9 August, and are open to spend 10 life-changing days with young adults like you from all over Europe, do not hesitate to apply.

What Magis can give you:

Deepen your relationship with Jesus; get to know yourself better; leave your comfort zone; encounter other people and cultures; experience the beauty of creation; and, last but not least, as much fun as can be.

In Ignatian spirituality, “magis” marks one’s effort to find what is according to the will and to the greater glory of God. With this is mind, the upcoming event, already existing for more than two decades, consists of two parts. From 1 to 7 August, everyone will take part in one of the 16 experiments held either in Hungary or one of the neighbouring countries. The experiments can be grouped in the following categories: pilgrimage, spirituality, service, ecology, arts and culture. For the closing festival from 7 to 9 August, in Miskolc, Hungary, the participants from all experiments will gather and celebrate our Living God together.


Keeping our eyes on the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary, one month after our festival, the central theme of Magis 2020 will be the Eucharist, according to the motto: “You are my Bread, my Life, my Love”. Magis aims to do this by exploring in depth the Eucharistic aspect of Ignatian spirituality through the pillars of the daily schedule with morning prayers, noon or evening examens, holy mass, experiments and personal sharing in Magis circles.

With the opening of the application process, our website is more than worth browsing. Our aim was to create an online platform where you may get an insight into what will await you if you dedicate one week of your summer to Magis Europe 2020.


There are 16 experiments spread over 4 countries! Here is the list of experiments of experiments grouped by category. Their aim is the very same: to find ways to make the most and the best of ourselves, of one another, and then to render it to the greater glory of God.

Spirituality:  Spiritual exercises - retreat in silence (Püspökszentlászló, Hungary), One week as a Jesuit (Budapest, Hungary) and "The Eucharist creates Church" (Miskolc, Hungary)

Arts: Living stones (Vienna, Austria), Living stones (Budapest, Hungary), Finding God through art and nature (Cluj, Romania), MAGIS Taizé (Ruzomberok, Slovakia) and Dance to God, Dance with God! (Budapest, Hungary)

Service (Social or Environmental): Playing together (Tiszagyenda, Hungary) and Green heads, hearts and hands (Tahi, Hungary)

Pilgrimage: Bike pilgrimage around Lake Balaton (Balaton, Hungary), Via Transilvanica - Walk, Pray and Live (Romania), Walking pilgrimage through the wonderful landscapes of Transylvania (Romania), Wooden Churches (Slovakia)

Society and Culture: Exploring English: Learning, Fun & Spirituality

Christians from Syria

We ask your help to support a group of 10 young Christians from Syria, to partake in spiritual programs and recreational activities in Europe this summer, including Magis Europe 2020, a visit to Taizé and attend International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest. To draw from Christian spiritual wellsprings, experience religious community and solidarity, build new connections, get some rest and refreshment. They will affect their home communities when they return to daily life and service with renewed strength and hope. Check out this link for the details.

For more information: https://magis.jesuits.eu/experiments

Please register: https://magis.jesuits.eu/register
