
A new Jesuit outreach centre opened its doors in the heart of Brussels on September 14. The Forum Saint-Michel offers a series of Christian formation activities and spiritual, social and cultural proposals, according to different formulas adapted to each person, in line with Ignatian spirituality.

The Forum Saint-Michel is built on three poles: Christian Formation, Pastoral and Spirituality, Culture and Society. The programme is aimed at young adults as well as retired people, lay people and consecrated persons, professionals of all disciplines. The Forum builds on the pedagogical legacy of the Institute of Theological Studies (IÉT), the Jesuit Faculty of Theology in Brussels, which closed its doors last June.

"Nurturing faith through intelligence, through the heart and in the midst of this world where we can live in joy, this is the project of the Forum Saint-Michel that we are inaugurating today," expressed Fr. Bernard Pottier, director of the Forum Saint-Michel in his homily.

Provincial, François Boëdec sj: "I am happy to share with you this moment of birth and creation. This is an important moment for the Society, especially in this city, for the whole Ignatian family, but also for the Church, of course, in Brussels and Belgium. The Society of Jesus has a long history here, and has tried in different ways to place itself, in the past and still today, at the service of the life of God. Today, she would like to write a new page of this service with you.

The evening ended with a lecture by Fr. Nikolaas Sintobin sj, on the theme Surprised by Joy - Living as a Christian in a secularized world.

Listen to the lecture by Fr. Nikolaas Sintobin sj
