A call to sense and taste things interiorly.
How many times have we heard the words “discernment in common”, “ignatian leadership”, or “apostolic planning” and wondered what they truly mean? Now we have the answer at the tip of our fingers. The General Curia of the Society of Jesus with the support of the Jesuit Conference of European Provincials (JCEP) and many other institutions have been developing content in these areas and making them accessible to all the ignatian family.
All the information can be found in the following website: Essential Ignatian Resources. Currently the information in this website can be found in the following languages:
All of these resources are offered for free and are continuously being improved. In addition, sometimes formation is being offered on the aforementioned themes through webinars. Behind the content of the webinars there is a series of high-level experts that make easy to understand a series of concepts that initially might seem complicated.
But what more is there to these online resources apart from the obvious? Well, one might say that it is important to see them more than resources as a call. On the one hand it is a personal call to take care of our interior life. It is a call to sense and taste things interiorly, a call to let them change us, to make us grow and to help us get closer to God. It is a call that launches us to the world and invites us to share with others our life experience. On the other hand, it is a collective call that invites us to take care of the institutions where we work, what Saint Ignatius of Loyola once recognised as the cura apostolica.
As we mentioned earlier, there is still a lot to discuss on these topics. We invite you to take part of this family and to be inspired by this exciting challenge. If we all work together, adding our grain of sand, the fruits and ideas that we attain will be better in terms of quality and depth.
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