The Chapel for Europe plays a crucial role close in the headquarters of the European institutions wrote one of the two most popular daily newspapers in Belgium, La Libre Belgique, after our interreligious conference: Jews, Muslims, Christians: looking for what united us, at the end of February.
You may know the Chapel for Europe as an ecumenical space. Now the Chapel becomes more and more interreligious. This new series of interreligious events, developed together with partners, includes conferences, expositions and simple get togethers to pray or to share. It is a response to the needs of the multicultural and multiconfessional society in Brussels. The need to live together reconciled and in peace and to grow in humanity, emerges here more than ever. Getting to know each other better, practicing spiritual hospitality and at the same time deepening one’s own faith and engaging in the service of peace and reconciliation is the best way to do respond to this need.
Another new and successful project which was promoted among others by the French speaking Christian radio station RCF, is a series of workshops called Spirituality for Busy People. It responds to the needs of the young European professionals to live their faith in their quite busy everyday life.
The half-day workshops, lead by a professional consultant/coach together with a Jesuit, focus on personal, professional and spiritual development and are practice oriented. A large part of the workshop is spend in personal exercises, time for reflection and prayer, peer-exchange and a group sharing. The first five pilot workshops cover topics: prayer, discernment, leadership, time management and conflict resolution. Some tools from (not only) Jesuit spirituality are proposed in order to improve one’s life and to be a better leader of oneself and of others.
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