Fr. Paolo Bizzeti, Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia

Fr. General Arturo Sosa has entrusted the responsibility for the mission of the Society of Jesus in Turkey to the Conference of European Provincials (JCEP) and thus to Father Franck Janin as Major Superior. This regulation is initially valid for three years from April 1, 2019 ad experimentum. In a letter of 11.02.2019 Fr. General points out that Pope Francis, who in 2015 appointed Fr. Paolo Bizzeti a Jesuit as Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia, insists that the Order continue its mission in this country. After the territorial expansion (North Africa, the Holy Land and Jordan), the Middle East Province alone was no longer able to do so.

In October Father General had invited to a meeting in the Curia in which 19 Jesuits participated, among them Father Franck Janin and several Provincials. Father Franck Janin thanked Father Dany Younès and the Middle East Province for their commitment so far and called the decision an "important step" for the Provincial Conference after the responsibility for the community and works in Brussels and the European Tertianship in Dublin. "I truly hope that together we will be able to meet the challenges of society's presence in this region. Let us pray for our two companions who currently live in Ankara".
