The idea of Abraham's Way was built on the Pilgrim's Experience of Jesus, also known as the Beggar's experience. It consists in going on the road without any security measures, without money, telephones, food and planned accommodation.
The first half of each day is spent on meditation, prayer and listening to the mp3 conference (concerning our greatest pilgrim, Abraham). In 2018, we made a pilgrimage with Stanisław Kostka, whose year we celebrate in connection with the 450th anniversary of his death. His zeal and radicalism was for us a guide and encouragement to proclaim Christ on the way.
We spend the next half day talking and sharing the fruits of our prayer with our companions, talking to people we meet on our way, sharing our experience of God with them, preaching the Good News to them, and praying for them.
Since we don't have much in our backpacks, if we need something, we go to the people we meet, asking them for water, a piece of bread, begging for a place under the roof for the night. It is a profound experience of humility and the fact that I am not self-sufficient in my life, but it is also the place where I struggle with deficiencies, inconveniences or taking risks when I come to sleep at the bus stop.
Jesus commanded His disciples: Go and speak, go and teach, go, put your hands on the sick... We want to take Jesus' command seriously, take the risk and leave our comfort zone and let God surprise us.
This year we have been following two routes: the Northern Route - Warsaw - Święta Lipka (Warmia and Mazury) and the Southern Route - Kraków - Stara Wieś (Podkarpacie).
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