Central-East Europe Novice Meeting in Split.
This year's the central-east Europe novices meeting took place in Split, Croatia. It was the meeting of novices from Gdynia (Poland), Ružomberok (the Slovak and Czech joint novitiate in Slovakia) and Split. The meeting was held from the 6th of June until the 11th of June.
The meeting began with a holy mass which celebrated in the Split cathedral by the archbishop of Split Marin Barišić in concelebration with the Jesuit novice masters and their assistants. The Croatian novice master fr. Stipo Balatinac held the introductory word before the mass: “The place of our usual yearly meeting happens to be, trough rotation, Split. Here we have 15 novices that arrive from Gdynia led by their novice master fr. Piotr Szymanski. From the Slovak and Czech joint novitiate in Ružemberok, due to sickness, arrived only three novices and their master and his assistant: fr. Jan Adamik and fr. Ondrej Gabriš. Next to them here we have our seven Croatian novices, alongside with me, their novice master. I am pleased that our guests can not only see the oldest cathedral in the world, but also celebrate in it our Lord the best way, through the holy Mass. In this meeting we want to enrich ourselves spiritually and rest our bodies, especially in our already warm Adriatic Sea.”
40 years of Novitiate and the feast of St. Stanislaus Kostka.
Sunday November 12th saw a festive commemoration of 40 years since the Jesuit novitiate was transferred from Zagreb to Split. To mark the anniversary, Fr. Zvonko Vlah SJ – one of the novices who at the time formed the first generation in Split – celebrated mass at the Church attached to the Novitiate building
Vows 2017 in Croatia
On Saturday, September 16, in Split, Croatia, three Jesuit novices have taken vows. They are Zlatko Brauchler (born on August 16, 1991 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany), Dino Stanić (born on May 24, 1992 in Rijeka, Croatia) and Matej Zdravčević (born on January 11, 1992 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany). The Holy Mass was celebrated in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Split, Croatia. The main celebrant was Fr. Dalibor Renić SJ, provincial of the Croatian Province of the Society of Jesus. After the vows the new Jesuit scholastics have visited their families and friends. Now they are in Zagreb, studying philosophy at the Jesuit Institute of Philosophy and Theology. Let us all pray for their perseverance, spiritual and intellectual progress. May they surrender their lives completely to God, for His greater glory.
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