
Young German Jesuits show their communicative competence ♦

„Seht, da ist der Mensch“ (ecce homo) was the slogan of the 100th Deutscher Katholikentag (German Catholic convention) which took place from May 28st to June 1st in Leipzig. The roads and the marketplaces of the biggest city in the state of Saxony - only 4 percent of the population are Catholic - were the presentation area for about 200 organisations in white marquees (big tents). More than 30.000 permanent participants and further ten thousands of guests came to this biggest event of the German Catholics.

The German Jesuit Province attends these meetings with its own stand since 2000. In Leipzig we decided to form a common presentation of the Provincialate and the Jesuit Mission from Nuremberg. The thematic focus was the commitment of the Jesuits for refugees - in Germany and worldwide.

Thanks to the communicative competence of young Jesuits, managed by Thomas Busch (PR-Department) and Kathrin Prinzing (Jesuit Mission), the team of the German Province and the Jesuit Mission together with many volunteers provided information and spiritual talks for the hundreds of visitors who came to the ignatian marquee.

Apart from to the official stand more than 30 Jesuits – including Fr. Provincial Christian Rutishauser SJ from Zurich – enriched the program with spiritual offerings or as sought-after partners in discussion stages and forums about spiritual and social issues. The next „Katholikentag“ will take place in Münster in 2018.


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