
Five years of common prayer and adoration.

For The Back Home Warsaw community, April 2017, is a time of celebration and thanksgiving for 5 years of common prayer and adoration. On this occasion the community made some special movies.

The first video shows one of our contemporary songs of adoration with our young musicians.
“I can’t do anything without You. I can’t do anything more to be worthy of being in your presence. Your grace is poured for free. Reward for love is Love”.  Click here to watch and listen.


In the second one we present ourselves to the (Polish) public. Click here.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (Gen.1,1)

Everything starts from the “Word of the Bible . We are gathering together and try to find what God wants to tell us today and to others whom we will serve.

This one word can bring us Home, “God’s home” reminding our deep Christian identity – Identity of God’s children.

We are learning how to discern what is God’s will and what are our ideas. Searching and looking for best leaders for prayers, musicians, technicians, and photographers from our team. Just after this, it is time to prepare everything for a “worship event” in the church

When people come we start to worship God our father with songs, prayers, try to create comfortable conditions to thank Him for everything we receive.


When the Church celebrates the mystery of Easter they want also to share their happiness with others. This is why on Monday 24th April the community organized again a prayer meeting.

The BACK HOME WARSAW project has been launched in order to create a SPACE, in which inhabitants of Warsaw can meet with the living God, return to the Father’s house, find delight in Him and be renewed by Him in their dignity as Children of God.

BACK HOME WARSAW is built on the pillars of the Evangelical Counsels:

CHASTITY – only praise

We try to play and sing with “purity”, both in content and in form. The purity of content means that during prayer we focus only on praising God and we do not deal with request, thanksgiving or atonement, but we only worship. We believe that when we praise God and we stand in awe in His presence, He takes care of our affairs instead of us. The purity of form is expressed in our commitment to play music in a professional way having in mind both musicians and sound production.

POVERTY - the whole event is non-profit depends on donations

All people involved in the preparation of each Back Home Warsaw event do it for free.

OBEDIENCE – we listen to God’s voice and we let Him lead us.

We are obedient to the Holy Spirit and our leaders, who are responsible for the repertoire, arrangement, team composition and the organization of the whole event.

Back Home Warsaw is a regular ADORATION, every third Monday of month at the Jesuits Sanctuary of St. Andrew Bobola in Warsaw. We start celebrating Eucharist at 7 pm, followed by an adoration.
You can participate at this adoration using the live stream on www.bhwtv.pl(available only during the adoration).


About us

BACK HOME WARSAW I a charismatic and evangelizing community. We are rooted in the Catholic Church tradition. In our hearts is a great desire to the unity of the Body of Christ. Our community is open for EVERYONE who would like to come and feel as in own home. We are a space of the meeting with God. Developing of the individual relation with God is one of the crucial meaning of our community.

Maria Kastyak, leader of the community
Fr. Roman Groszewski, SJ - spiritual assistant.



