
The second cluster meeting of the HEST Program.

The second cluster meeting of the HEST programme (Higher Education for Social Transformation) took place on February 24, at Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid and was hosted by its Chair on Science, Technology and Religion. The cluster on Dialogue Science and Religion was the one to continue the process started by the cluster on Economy, Poverty and Ethics. 

Dr. Sara Lumbreras, one of the coordinators of the Cluster and Dr. José Manuel Caamaño, the Director of the Chair kindly welcomed us and leaded the meeting.

6 people participated in the meeting:

  • Josef Quitterer (University of Innsbruck)
  • Joaquín Menacho (IQS - Barcelona)
  • Jacek Poznansky SJ (Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow)
  • José Manuel Caamaño (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
  • Sara Lumbreras (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
  • José Carlos Romero (Universidad Pontificia Comillas - HEST coordinator)

Dominique Lambert (University of Namur), the other coordinator of the cluster, could not participate in the meeting but contributed with a letter in which he provided some enlightening ideas for the future work of the cluster.

After praying together with ‘Patient Trust’, a beautiful text by Teilhard de Chardin sj, José Carlos Romero presented the general lines of the HEST programme, with its 7 clusters. Then, before the coffee-break, each participant introduced his/her institution and the activities regarding the topic of the cluster in which he or she was already involved. 

Since we already knew who we were and what we were doing, we were ready for the next step, i.e. to think creatively about how to propose a collaborative future work. And ideas emerged smoothly!

During the brainstorming round about possible topics for the common research, a consensus raised around the concept of “power”, and a possible research question came afterwards: “Science and religion in the crossroads of power relations in post-modern societies”.

After such an intense session, we enjoyed an excellent lunch at ICADE, courtesy of the Chair of Science, Technology and Religion

The meeting ended with a session about how to organize the future work: Josef volunteered to prepare a first draft to be shared and the other members committed to including their contributions in order to have a first manifest by the end of July. We also agreed on meeting again next February 2018 in Innsbruck in a two days’ workshop.

The cluster on Dialogue Science and Religion is on its way. Now it is time for other clusters to follow this fascinating path!
