
I am Clément Poret, a twenty-six-year-old Frenchman with a background as an engineer specialized in physics. I am a second year Jesuit novice in Birmingham with novices coming from France, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

How did I end up joining the Society? That is precisely the story I told to a dozen classes a week during my experiment – a short time of apostolic work - in Brussels in October and November!


I have been sent to visit the catholic religion classes of the four European secondary schools as my main apostolate. The pupils I saw were usually between twelve and eighteen years old and since each class has a different character it has never become a routine. They particularly enjoyed the pictures I showed of my time in India as a volunteer in a local charity caring for poor children. Telling my vocation story was always an opportunity of thanksgiving. It is not always easy because it requires exposing oneself in front of students that are not necessarily sending signs of a quiet and attentive listening. But through the questions of the young people, the one-to-one chats at the end and the feedback of the teachers, I am confident that something has been sown in their hearts that will bear fruit in its own time.

Besides, I also took part in the Magis young adult ministry and in the events at the chapel for Europe. It was beautiful to meet young people facing the same life questions as I am. In those situations, I discover more and more the joy of sharing the wonderful insights of Ignatius about prayer and discernment.

I lived at the St Benedict Jesuit community with the Jesuits involved at a European level. They embodied quite well the saying of the Jesuit Jerome Nadal: ‘The world is our house’  - travelling around the world caring for the people and works entrusted to them. It was a blessing for me to be in this community and to see their dedication to their mission.

I am now back in Birmingham with a lot of food for thoughts. Six weeks in Brussels were short and stand now as an invitation to go back in the future as I remember with great consolation the students, teachers, young adults and Jesuits by whom I have been greatly inspired.
