
Comillas Pontifical University celebrated the inauguration of Antonio Allende, SJ, as its new rector in a ceremony presided over by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and Grand Chancellor of the university, Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ. The event was also attended by the Provincial of the Jesuits in Spain and Vice-Chancellor of the university, Enric Puiggròs, SJ; José Cobo Cano, Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid; and the outgoing rector, Enrique Sanz, SJ. Allende expressed his honor in receiving "the responsibility of caring for and sustaining a thriving, dynamic, and well-established institution of proven quality that has served both society and the Church for 120 years."

The new rector emphasized that “The Society of Jesus has found in the university a remarkable space to carry out its mission of promoting social justice and ecological sustainability through dialogue with cultures and religions.” He also thanked the outgoing rector, acknowledging his tireless contributions that helped maintain Comillas as a leading university in Spain and an internationally recognized institution. Allende pointed out that research, education, knowledge transfer, service to society and the Church, and the university’s identity and mission will be key guiding principles.

Allende outlined several future challenges: attracting and retaining national and international talent, expanding the university’s offerings in Madrid, fostering entrepreneurship, and addressing the challenge of Artificial Intelligence (AI). “The university must support faculty, administrative staff, and students in their interaction with AI. There are technical, ethical, legal, and social issues that demand rigorous responses from us, so we can use AI responsibly and educate others in its application,” he said.

A Strong University Network

In his remarks, Arturo Sosa, SJ, praised the dedication of the outgoing rector and expressed gratitude to Allende for accepting this challenging leadership role at a complex apostolic institution. He reflected on the identity of Jesuit universities, emphasizing that "a university’s mission is an apostolate."

Sosa highlighted that Comillas has always been envisioned not only as a center of academic excellence but as a true apostolate furthering the mission of the Society of Jesus in all its richness. He also emphasized that, in today's world, university missions require institutions to be "active and constructive participants in the creation of networks across various sectors of the Jesuit community (such as UNIJES, the Kircher Network, and IAJU, as well as intersectoral networks)." Building these networks is not a luxury or a mere display of generosity, but a necessary response to the reality we seek to transform, he concluded.

About Antonio Allende, SJ

Antonio Allende, SJ, holds a doctorate in English Philology from the University of Salamanca. He studied Philosophy at Comillas Pontifical University and earned a licentiate in Theology from the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley (now the School of Theology, University of Santa Clara) in California. He has served as headmaster of the Jesuit school in La Coruña, director of the "Instituto Padres y Maestros" and its magazine (currently published by Comillas), and was Literary Director and later CEO of the Loyola Communication Group. He has been a member of the editorial board of the pastoral theology journal "Sal Terrae" since 2010. In 2015, he was appointed Provincial Delegate for Education in Spain, coordinating the operation of 69 Jesuit educational institutions across the country. He has been a collaborator in the Master of Ignatian Spirituality at Comillas since 2018 and has taught "Christianity and Social Doctrine" since 2022.
