
Everything is ready for the operation of the three new Jesuit Education Foundations in September

The Education sector of the Society of Jesus in Spain completes its restructuring with the launch of three new educational canonical foundations.

The work carried out over the last two academic years aims to improve the educational service and ensure the sustainability of the mission. The three new foundations, established in June 2023, will assume ownership of the Jesuit schools that are not yet under this legal and apostolic formula from September.

These three new institutions continue to be works of the Society of Jesus, with the Father General exercising the Protectorate and the Father Provincial of Spain as president of the board of trustees.

 Jesuit Educational Foundation North

The Jesuit Educational Foundation North will host the eight Jesuit schools located in Cantabria, the Basque Country, Navarra and La Rioja. The general management is held by Mr. Jorge Urrutia, who was director of the Bilbao Chemistry School, the Egibide Foundation and the Indautxu School. All the information about this new foundation, the composition of the board of trustees, the executive committee and the general management is available here .

Jesuit Educational Foundation Northwest

The Jesuit Educational Foundation Northwest will take over ten Jesuit schools in Galicia, Asturias and Castilla y León. Mr. Iván Mirón, former director of the Colegio Apóstol Santiago de Vigo, will be the general director of this apostolic work. All the information about this new foundation, the composition of the board of trustees, the executive committee and the general management is available here .

 Jesuit Educational Foundation Center-East

Finally, the Jesuit Educational Foundation Center-East, under the general direction of Rafel Barceló, director until this year of the Colegio Nuestra Señora de Montesión in Palma, will integrate nine Jesuit centers in Aragon, Valencian Community, Balearic Islands and Community of Madrid. All the information about this new foundation, composition of the board of trustees, executive committee and general management is available here .

These new foundations will follow the model already implemented in the Jesuit schools in Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Extremadura (Fundación Loyola ACE), as well as in Catalonia (Fundació Jesuïtes Educació). These foundations, together with the SAFA Foundation (which has twenty-six centres in Andalusia), Egibide in Vitoria, the Fr. Piquer Schools in Madrid and the Nazaret school in Alicante, will make up the education sector of the Province of Spain (Educsi).

This structural change allows us to join forces, take advantage of synergies and deepen our networking capacity, optimizing resources and collectively facing the complex educational challenges of today's society.

 With everything ready for full operation in September, the three new foundations represent a new step in the networking of Jesuit Education, reaffirming the commitment of the Society of Jesus to its educational mission.
