The annual in-presence meeting of the European Social Delegates took place this year in Hungary, from 5th to 9th May, in the beautiful premises of the Fényi Gyula Jesuit High School in Miskolc. Apart from the usual group (provincial social delegates, the Xavier Network, and JRS-Europe representatives, under the coordination of Filipe Martins SJ, JESC Director and European Social Delegate), the gathering was attended by Dalibor Renić SJ, President of the European Jesuit Provincials, Roberto Jaramillo SJ, the new Global Secretary for Social Justice and Ecology, and János Lukács SJ, European Delegate for Formation.
The intense 3-day agenda included updates on the social work of the Provinces, a reflection on the new calls to the European Jesuit social sector, a sharing on different provincial models of formation on Identity and Mission, and an engaging session with Dr. Miklós Vecsei, national Commissioner for the Integration of Roma people in Hungary. A visit to the Jesuit project with Roma people in Arló and to the JRS Hungary office in Budapest (see here) completed the programme, wonderfully hosted by the Hungarian Jesuits and lay collaborators.
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