
 «Three days of meeting and communion in a profound, joyful and open style to think about life and the future»: thus Fr. Andrea Picciau SJ, coordinator of the Jesuit youth network of the Euro-Mediterranean Province (Italy, Albania, Malta and Romania), founded on 12 November, talks about the meeting of around 300 young people aged 18 to 35 who live experiences linked to spirituality Ignatian, and the responsible Jesuits. The three-day event was held from 25 to 28 April, in Frascati, at the Giovanni XXIII Center.

Among the proposals are three workshops, centered on the different points of the mission. Knowing Magis was the first of the workshops that all 300 young people experienced together. «A moment to get to know ourselves, God and others better. To meet and start sharing. But also the beginning of our being part of the great Ignatian family, each with their own characteristics, riches and fragilities, gathered around the Lord. To help us visualize this we were helped by the idea of ​​the early Christian mosaic and in particular by the mosaic of S. Clemente in Rome which accompanied us throughout the weekend. Finally we explored the concept of Magis as an extra not in terms of quantity, but of quality of commitment, of life, which seeks to be shaped by the style that the Lord has shown us", says Picciau.

In the Loving Magis, a laboratory of integral ecology was experienced, to better understand how to live, with the Lord, an attitude of love towards oneself, towards others and towards creation. «Concretely we started from the specific problem of Fast Fashion, to understand in an experiential way the complexity of the issues at stake, and then relate them to the teachings of Laudato si'». 

In Serving Magis «we experienced a laboratory to find the tools to be able to translate the love we live and feel into action, to make this world more beautiful and habitable, making our life a gift, a service. A practical laboratory on choices, in which starting from the question about a service to choose, we entered into the art of discerning spirits, the fundamental criteria for choosing and the verification of choices. For our lives to be more meaningful to us and others. In a time that pushes us to divide ourselves and look only at ourselves, we want to unite and build paths of encounter and beauty together."

On the new website  magis-eum.org  the proposals scheduled this summer promoted by the various entities of the network, including Pietre Vive, Meg, CVX-Lms, Centro Poggeschi, Selva.
