On April 12th, the VIII Ignatian Social Assembly took place at the Padre António Vieira University Center (CUPAV), where various Apostolic Works linked to the Society of Jesus or the Society itself with social and ecological activities gathered.
The day began with a inspiring interpretation and recitation of poems by actress Lídia Franco. Mariana Rozeira, coordinator of the Social Apostolate Commission (CAS), then welcomed the entire assembly.
Next, Sofia Marques, provincial coordinator of the Service for Protection and Care (SPC), guided the participants in an exercise of awareness of their actions and/or omissions in their Works. Based on the parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37), she alerted to the "passing by" of situations that are identified in daily life and the indifference towards them; questioned possible causes for this behavior and proposed reflection on the impact of these attitudes on those affected (users, students, colleagues, etc.). She concluded by focusing on how the wounded person in the parable feels when cared for, echoing "go and do the same".
In the moment titled "Shared Mission", Susana Réfega, executive director of the Laudato Si' Movement, invited all present to discover and face their "own" works/missions as incorporated into a single shared mission. She reminded that one is called to mission by God and that with Him, it is also shared: He is a participant! Some difficulties in collaborative work between Works and possible "steps" to overcome them were identified. The importance of networked work was emphasized, as it allows creating bonds that do not bind but support and structure, enabling progress and growth. The existence of discord and diversity that arise in this networked work can be a positive contribution - stimulating creativity and critical thinking - if placed at the service of the common good. The shared mission allows influencing decisions, favoring the exercise of prophetic advocacy, where denouncing the structural sin of different organizations and proposing solutions is fundamental. She finished by quoting D. Tonino Bello: "We cannot limit ourselves to waiting, we must organize hope".
Exactly with the tone of "organizing hope" and taking up those words, Father Miguel Almeida, SJ, Provincial of the Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus, took the floor to explore the Apostolic Plan of the Portuguese Province 2024-2029 (PAP) with all participants, clarifying the need for its existence and the attitude to foster when studying it. In the end, he challenged all the Works represented to recognize, from the PAP, which specific preferences and objectives most identify with their reality, assuming the commitment to make a path to concretize them.
After an intense morning of content and a group photo after lunch, the afternoon proposed a time for reflection on the achievements and failures related to the commitments made in the previous year's Assembly. In groups formed by elements of different Works, the different analyses were shared and listened to, leading to an individual commitment that each one proposed to fulfill. After this work, everyone gathered for a final plenary session to collect the different reflections, followed by an evaluation of the day.
The VIII Ignatian Social Assembly ended with the celebration of Mass, presided over by Father Lourenço Eiró, SJ.
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