
The Jesuits of Valladolid continue to offer various activities aimed at integrating the care of the Common Home in the life of believers and in faith. This is a path undertaken years ago that is expanding the summer calendar of activities in an ecological key. This year 2023 already has a date and place for two proposals for internalizing the ecological experience, either in everyday life, through the Integral Ecology Days - 31 July to 4 August - at Ecología y Acogida Ana Leal in Valladolid, or through the Spiritual Exercises, Eco-exercises - 25 to 31 August - in Celorio, Asturias. 

The Integral Ecology Days are experiential. Its structure includes mainly practices and workshops that integrate the essence of the Laudato Si' background. All of this, held in the exceptional natural environment of the INEA estate, on the Camino Viejo de Simancas in Valladolid, and in the simplicity of a welcoming space such as that of Ana Leal. José Eizaguirre is the knowledgeable leader of this week. We need an awareness of a common origin, of mutual belonging and of a future shared by all. This basic awareness would allow the development of new convictions, attitudes, and ways of life (Laudato si', 202). 

(Integral Ecology Conference. Registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 

On the other hand, Celorio (Asturias) will host the Spiritual Exercises in an ecological key developed by the Jesuits of Valladolid. These Eco-exercises, led by Félix Revilla SJ and José Ignacio García SJ, will take place from 25 to 31 August. It is a traditional follow-up to the Exercises but with a focus on the proposals of Laudato Si'. Its challenges, its motions, looking at the Common House. It also includes activities that allow us to get to know and share the experience. "We can live with a new horizon, embracing Jesus' vision of the Kingdom of God, of a renewed and transformed world and ecosystem where we are all brothers and sisters, responsible for each other". 

(Ecoexercises 2023. Registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 

The two meetings are also special because of their natural environment. The organic vegetable gardens by the river Pisuerga and the wonder of the Cantabrian coast. Places that are in tune with that rhythm favorable to contemplation, praise, prayer and, above all, gratitude. 

Jesuitas España 
