From 16 to 24 April, the provincials of JCEP met in the magnificent setting of the spirituality center of Saint Beuno's (Wales) for a week of retreat centered on ecological conversion. The experience was wonderfully guided by Brother Jérôme Gué S.J., delegate for the social apostolate of the EOF Province (French-speaking European Province). Brother Jérôme is the co-author of a book with an evocative title: "Spiritual journey for an ecological conversion. The call of Laudato si'". A practical guide to making an eight-day retreat following the path of the Spiritual Exercises. The book, written in French, is currently being translated into English. A remarkable tool.
The two days devoted to the Principle at the Foundation were crucial. As we took time to exercise our five senses to contemplate the richness of creation in the diversity of its creatures, we became more aware that the call to praise, revere and serve the creator cannot but apply to his creation as well. Caught up in the structures of sin, we have recognized that we contribute to them in many ways by our attitudes which, we know more today, lead to making our earth a place that will be uninhabitable for many. In the name of Christ, our suffering Common Home is calling us. Do we dare to hear it? Contemplating Christ on the Cross, we received his word of mercy springing from his wounded heart: "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing!".
This retreat was both nourished by the truth of the reality of the state of our planet and by the hope that the Risen Christ comes to bring in the midst of destruction and death. We were given the opportunity to "Look and consider how God dwells, works and works for us in all creatures... And then to reflect in ourselves on what we in turn must offer and give to our divine Majesty (Ad Amorem)
Franck Janin JCEP President
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