Fr Gaetano Piccolo SJ on YouTube.
This is a journey to help one " grow in discernment", featuring one video a month to explore "that which concerns our affective life and some rules for discernment". The first one is about "Descending into the heart". Fr Gaetano Piccolo, who leads this journey, suggests how to become aware of one's affective life and the necessary relationship between this affectivity and the spiritual life. The 7-minute video is full of references: from the Gospel of Mark to the Rational-Emotional Therapy developed by contemporary psychology, and from the Stoic philosopher Epictetus to the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio. "Discovering the attitude and the thought behind each feeling will help us grow considerably in our relationship with God", Fr. Piccolo ensures.
Fr. Piccolo, 49, a Jesuit who is currently a philosophy lecturer at the Gregorian, has been the author for ten years of a blog, "Rigantur mentes", which as the title itself suggests explains how we can be "a fertile land, where the rain that descends from heaven can be put into circulation". Under the section 'meditations' one regularly finds texts on the scripture readings of feast days that are among the most original in the vast digital contributions covering this subject, which always conclude with a couple of questions. Even the titles of the column that he has been writing every other week for three years on 'Believing' are in question form: asking questions is an 'art' that he has not stopped practicing since adolescence he declares.
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