The cathedral of Pamplona hosted on 20 May the solemn act of inauguration of the Ignatian Year, with which we commemorate the 500th anniversary of the conversion of Ignatius. The Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, visited the Spanish Province to participate in various events marking the beginning of Ignatius500.
The Eucharist in the cathedral of Pamplona was presided over by the archbishop of the diocese, D. Francisco Pérez and concelebrated by his auxiliary bishop Don Juan Antonio Aznárez, by Father General Arturo Sosa, the provincial, Antonio España and several Jesuits. The celebration can still be seen at this link.
During this Ignatian Year we will have the opportunity to go to the origins of this conversion of Íñigo, both in Loyola and in Manresa, indicated Fr. General, who connected this experience with the four Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus. "All things must serve to show the way to God, but especially means so dear to Ignatius such as the Spiritual Exercises and discernment. Struggling in everything for reconciliation and justice, an attitude inseparable from closeness and friendship with others like Ignatius had. By being at the side of the young in the future that is open to them, which the Lord wants to be full of hope. And, finally, caring for the creation.
The city of Pamplona also hosted an institutional event with the presence, among others, of Mayor Enrique Maya, who spoke of the historical presence of the Jesuits in Pamplona. Father General visited Javier's community and castle, where he was received by Javier's superior, Txema Vicente sj and the coordinator of the Ignatian Year, Abel Toraño sj.
Before the beginning of the public opening events of the Ignatian Year, Fr. General participated in a meeting broadcast on YouTube, in which he had an interview with the journalist Silvia Rozas, director of the Ecclesia magazine. Throughout the conversation, Fr. Arturo Sosa spoke about the moment in which we live, in which the pandemic has revealed the fragility of human relations in the world, the sewing of injustices, the lack of hope of the young people, and the deterioration of the environment. Father General wanted to point out that now that there is so much talk of "returning" to normality, it is not about going back, but about moving in another direction. Father Sosa regretted not perceiving any real willingness to change. He illustrated this, in the case of Europe, with the lack of acceptance of a necessary migration policy. From the experience of Ignatius' conversion, he wondered whether we, as a society, the Church, the Society of Jesus, are going to take the pandemic as an opportunity for change, or are we going to turn it into a reason to go back to the way things were before? Among his reflections, the General expressed concern about the deterioration of the quality of democracy, which is being undermined by the excuse of the pandemic.
The interview can be seen at this link.
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