JECSE Elementary Education Congress.
About 100 Directors of Jesuit Primary Schools met from 18 till 31 of October in Ludwigshafen (Germany) for a JECSE (‘Jesuit European Committee for Primary & Secondary Education’) Congress. We came from Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Belgium. All together we were about 107 participants, staff members included. The congress was led by the Delegate of JECSE, Mrs Marie-Thérèse Michel. The Flemish part of Belgium was represented by Mr Peter Knapen, delegate of CEBECO (central colleges’ management).
Ignatian education in a changing world
What do we take with us? Which tools were given to us? What did inspire us? What did touch us? …
The world is changing. From his birth onwards, man has to do with change - and adaptation. To die is also a process of accepting and changing.
Everyone has to deal with changing. It is not difficult to seek and find examples of change in your immediate surroundings. The world is changing.
Changing is a process. Changing needs time (to adapt). Change slowly. Changing is good. Changing is to step into a way, always looking for ‘the best possible answer’.
° Have the courage to dream about the future (how is your school looking in 2050?) and don’t be paralyzed by fear. Don’t be afraid to partake one
another’s different dreams. Put your own aims first.
° To learn by doing, not doing nothing.
° To learn whole your life: keep your competences up, knowledge brings you further.
° To listen is important ! To start conversations, to use the correct attitude: “Yes, we can!”. To complain can only thwart.
° Changing is a process. To keep connecting in this is important, a transforming plan is necessary.
° Convince, motivate to change together.
In a changing world there are 5 ignatian characteristics (5 c’s), which offer a guideline.
Conscience: To be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, surroundings …
Competences: To use knowledge, insight and skills
Commitment: Strong commitment, involvement
Compassion: To practice empathy and start a dialogue, to connect
Creative: To be creative, to find new ways to deal with change.
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