
The Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus has assumed the responsibility of another parish in the Algarve, in Odiáxere. However, it will be run on a different model from the traditional one because, although Fathers Domingos Monteiro da Costa, Nuno Tovar de Lemos and Francisco Campos are parish priests in solidum, a permanent deacon will be responsible for the entire pastoral dimension of the parish. The inauguration of the new parish entrusted to the Society took place last November 18th.

This commitment with the Diocese of Algarve will make the person of reference in the parish of Odiáxere the permanent deacon Nuno Francisco, and the Jesuit community will provide him with all the support he needs. This is an option to contribute to a model of Church that does not depend so much on the presence of the priest and that, in this way, can go beyond an exclusive dispensation of sacraments, while still meeting the people in their concrete realities. It will also allow, believes the Society, to foster a more participative church model.

Deacon Nuno Francisco and his wife are part of a group of couples/families who since adolescence have received catechetical and pastoral formation in the Parish of Mexilhoeira Grande with Fr. Domingos Monteiro da Costa, sj

Besides the new parish of Odiáxere, the presence of the Society of Jesus in the Algarve is currently in Portimão and Mexilhoeira Grande.
