
As an innovative pastoral project, the online format of young German-speaking Jesuits "One Minute Homily" has been awarded the Bonifatius Prize. The “Bonifatiuswerk” (from the name of Saint Boniface, "The Apostle of the Germans") of German Catholics awards the prize for missionary projects every three years as part of the Opening of its annual Campaign. The motto of this year's Campaign was: "Adventure Faith. Discoverer wanted".

With the "One Minute Homilies", the young German-speaking Jesuits bring the Gospel of the Day to the point in one minute on Sundays and church holidays. In short video clips they translate the message of the biblical text into the everyday world of the people in understandable language. For the prominent jury around Bishop Peter Kohlgraf (Mainz), this was one reason why the video format was able to assert itself among the 220 entries. "With your weekly impulses you again find a place for the message of Jesus in the language of the people, also for people who are outside the church, but are nevertheless searching for spiritual fulfilment", Bishop Kohlgraf, as a member of the jury, explains the decision for the first prize. "The initiators courageously leave the usual church environment and show how the Gospel can be proclaimed in a pluralistic and differentiated society in a contemporary way". The jury also included the Federal Minister Julia Klöckner, the Bishop of Mainz Prof. Dr. Peter Kohlgraf, the journalist and presenter Gundula Gause, the President of The Alliance of the German Catholic Youth (BDKJ) Lisi Maier, the Franciscan Sr. Maria Magdalena Jardin (Münster-Mauritz), Prelate Erich Läufer (Köln) and the General Secretary of the Bonifatiuswerk, Monsignor Georg Austen.

The prize was awarded on  November 3rd parallel to the opening of the Opening of the annual Campaign in Mainz. German Scholastic Dag Heinrichowski SJ (actually studying in Paris) brought the project from America to the German-speaking provinces of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Together with Jonas Linz SJ and Pia Dyckmans, Public Relations Officer of the German Jesuit Province, he accepted the prize for the team of young Jesuits. "It was quite a surprise when I received a call from Paderborn. The award is a great appreciation and recognition for our project and makes us very happy. It is good to know that we are supported! At the same time, the award encourages us to try even harder to leave the Catholic filter bubble," said Dag Heinrichowski SJ.

The Bonifatius Prize is endowed with 3,000 Euros and honours the commitment of people who pass on faith in a committed and extraordinary way in their Catholic parishes, in institutions and associations or as individuals.
