
Bela, Ciara Eddy, Jacques, Margarida and Xavier, have caught the Ecojesuit bug, which means they want to think and live big, but it’s not the kind of big which was big in the past.

Old-big was about getting more for yourself - and no one else. When it comes to the selfish ways of old-big, small is truly beautiful, but new-big has a beauty all its own. It’s about big vision and about sharing our one big beautiful home.  It’s about being the European part of the global EcoJesuit network - https://www.ecojesuit.com/

On the Philippine island of Mindanao, Pedro Walpole, Mr. Ecojesuit himself, lives in a house with two floors, one roof and no walls see-for-yourself. It stretches to the horizon. He, along with his friends on different continents, remind us of a big world beyond Europe.

The Society of Jesus, in some ways, is old-big with lots of big properties and big names. Old-big is all about boasting, but the Jesuit story, at its best, is about our one big home with no walls - new-big. The Ecojesuit bug is about care for our common come sought in solidarity with others who are part of the Jesuit story. Fr. General has told Pedro to spread the Ecojesuit-bug far and wide and Pedro is now pestering people in Europe which, as we all know, is the biggest and most important continent of all. It has left its mark everywhere and there are lots of links between Europe and the rest of the world. We Europeans may not see them all, but there are those in other parts who want to help us.

Because of Pedro’s pestering, Bela, Ciara Eddy, Jacques, Margarida and Xavier are calling out for friends in Europe. Click on each name and meet them. You will see that each of them has the Ecojesuit bug, but they are not the only ones! Some we know about. Some we have yet to meet!

If the above has not given you enough food for thought, you might try these questions:

  1. Are you part of the Jesuit story which has recently been spilling beyond the Society of Jesus?
  2. Do you want to think and live big in caring for our common home?
  3. Do you want to start a conversation with others like yourself around Europe?
  4. Do you believe the Holy Spirit might surprise you in this conversation?

If your answer to all the above questions is yes, you may contact Edmond Grace SJ, Secretary for Ecology at the Jesuit European Social Centre – JESC to its friends. He would like to hear of how you caught the Ecojesuit bug (max. 2000 characters). Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject heading ‘Think big in Europe.’ Unless you indicate otherwise, you will also be placed on the mailing list for ‘Eco Bites,’ the world’s greatest newsletter, published by JESC - www.jesc.eu.
