
The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network meets with the Pope at 175th anniversary.

"We can do many things, but without prayer, nothing works." Prayer is, in fact, at the heart of the Church's mission. Pope Francis addressed these words to approximately 6,000 people who gathered on the early morning of 28 June at the Paul VI Hall in Rome. There were 52 delegations from the five continents of the Worldwide Prayer Network, gathered to celebrate the 175th anniversary from the foundation and the 10th anniversary from the re-establishment of this prayer network, approved in 2014 by Pope Francis.

Founded as the Apostleship of Prayer by the Jesuits in France in 1844, today the association has managed to unite in an invisible but effective network, as many as 35 million Catholics from every corner of the earth, including MEG, the Eucharistic Youth Movement. "We immerse ourselves in the concrete history of people whom we meet every day, especially by praying for them, offering up their joys and their sufferings". This is a mission of compassion for the world, "a journey of the heart", the Pope observed, "a prayerful program that transforms lives". "We are called to be witnesses and messengers of God's mercy, to offer the world a bright perspective.”

Prayer always results in fraternal feelings, "it breaks down barriers, crosses borders, builds invisible but real and effective bridges, opens up horizons of hope", Pope Francis stressed when referring to the new version of Click to Pray in Chinese, and to Fr Matthew’s input, director of the Taiwan Network. "It is important to speak about our brothers: to speak of someone is a blessing, we must speak well of others and not gossip."

Therefore, we should help the new generations to grow in their friendship with Jesus "through an intimate encounter with him in prayer, by listening to his Word, approaching the Eucharist as a gift of love for one's neighbor," Francis commented to the young people of the Eucharistic Youth Movement following the testimony given by Sr. Selam from Ethiopia. "We must offer young people opportunities to get in touch with their interior life, moments of spirituality, offer opportunities for them to learn about the Word, so that they can be enthusiastic missionaries within different environments" and interpret life events in the light of God’s love. We must teach children to pray, invite them to prayer lovingly, "because they reach the heart of Jesus immediately.” 

As for grandparents: "The wisdom of the elderly, their experience and ability to 'reason' with the heart, teach us a precious and fruitful method of intercessory prayer." “It is important that the mission of the Church adapts to the times and makes use of the modern tools availed to us by modern technology", the Pope said in response to the testimony of Fr. Antonio, from Portugal, who illustrated how the apostolate of prayer, "with its immersion into the digital world, brings together old and young, giving them new energy".

"It is a matter of entering contemporary arenas to proclaim God's mercy and goodness," explained Francis, while adding a warning, "to pay attention to how we make use of these means, especially the Internet, without becoming a slave to them”.

Watch the video of the meeting with the Pope:
