
This June, the Jesuit Migrant Service (SJM) presented the 2018 Annual Report on Centers for the Internment of Foreigners (CIE) at various events in different Spanish cities. The report is entitled 'Discrimination of Origin', referring to the differential treatment given to people of Maghrebi origin, who on arrival in the country go to police station to end up in the CIE. More than two thirds (68%) of the total number of people interned in 2018 were from one of these two nationalities: Moroccan or Algerian. On the contrary, since August, it has been observed that people of sub-Saharan or Asian origin have not been interned in CIE, since on arrival they go to the Temporary Foreigners Reception Centres (CATE) and from there to humanitarian reception resources due to the impossibility of returning to their country of origin.

In 2018, a total of 7855 persons were interned, representing a decrease of 11% with respect to the previous year. Of these, 98% were men. More than 78% were interned due to the opening of a return file for illegal entry into the country. A total of 89 minors were interned at CIE in 2018, according to the Ministry of the Interior. The figure is significantly higher than in 2017. In addition, the number of applications for international protection since CIE in 2018 increased to a total of 1,776, of which 30.6% were admitted for processing.

The total number of forced repatriations (sum of expulsions and returns) increased by 22% to 11.384, so more than 31 persons were repatriated per day during 2018.

Visits in the centres

Teams of people from the SJM network entities visited a total of 807 people in five centres in 2018. These visits continue to reveal situations of vulnerability and possible violations of rights: structural deficiencies in most centres; lack of detection of minors and care for persons with physical and mental illnesses; lack of legal assistance and language interpretation; limitations on the use of communications; degrading and humiliating treatment; and difficulties and obstacles in accessing asylum applications. The SJM continues to identify serious deficiencies in the management of crisis situations within some CIE, as well as serious episodes of violence. Faced with this, the dialogue that is articulated around the work of denunciation and defense from the entities that visit the internment centers, together with institutions such as the Ombudsman, the control judges and other instances of the administration, continues to be key to defend the rights of migrants.

In short, it consolidates the abusive use of internment as a tool in the fight against irregular immigration at the southern border, however it still does not have a deterrent effect, generating in any case much suffering. This work of denunciation addresses a fundamental demand: the end of internment and deprivation of liberty, the closure of the ICE and the need to explore more humane alternatives that facilitate processes of social integration.

Download the report here:

