
The annual meeting of Jesuit Cultural Reviews of Europe, this year was organized by the Greek review “Anoiktoi Orizontes” and  hosted at the Library of the Jesuits in downtown Athens, on the 10th and 11th of May. This year the directors and editors-in-chief of eight reviews honored us with their presence, presenting their work and developments in their reviews, discussed about financial and digital challenges they face, as well as perspectives and plans for the future, in these complicated times. This year’s participants were:

Streven – Belgium, Choisir – Switzerland, Études – France, Signum – Sweden, La Civiltà Cattolica – Italy, Razón y Fe – Spain, Revista Brotéria – Portugal, Obnovljeni život – Croatia and Ανοιχτοί Ορίζοντες (Anoiktoi Orizontes) – Greece

Although each review is formed under diverse demographic, social and cultural contexts, we find that usually most of the reviews present common features with all others. These include: an insufficient revenue and scarce funding in many cases, difficulty in finding and retaining staff, a reduction in the number of Jesuits - who are, additionally, overburdened with other responsibilities - and who could otherwise contribute by writing useful articles, promotional issues, advertising the reviews, difficulties in reaching out to the public, acquiring and maintaining subscribers, presence and management of accounts in various social media networks. Very interesting is also the way in which each review seeks and implements solutions to address as much as possible the above issues.

Spiritual enrichment of the readers.

A common finding is that our cultural, social and religious reflection reviews are necessary for the spiritual enrichment of the readers and for the diffusion of the thought of the Catholic Church in our modern society. It is, therefore, an important apostolate that must continue. Our meeting is expected to generate new ideas and strategies, and further increase collaboration between magazines.

This year’s program included the participation of Mr. Athanassios Papathanassiou, an Orthodox lawyer and theologian, director of the orthodox journal Synaxi and guest speaker, who presented his journal and answered a lot of questions concerning the Orthodox Church in Greece and relations with other Christian Churches.

Our team of fellow Editors had a guided tour in the Acropolis, the Areopagus and the Acropolis Museum.

Our next meeting will be held in Rome, from 14 to 16 May 2020 and will be hosted by La Civiltà Cattolica.

Civiltà Cattolica: 8th volume of the series "Accenti" on "Europe"

The Jesuit magazine has reprinted, in a digital monograph, 22 articles on the history and development of the idea of Europe, and on the contribution of the Catholic Church to this debate, over almost a century. The European elections were a good opportunity to collect part of the research and insights of “La Civiltà Cattolica” over many years, and through many events, on the theme of Europe.

Europe is still in need of "founders". Today there is a need for citizens, strong in their cultural identity, responsible for their community and aware that solidarity with the rest of European countries is essential to be able to continue a common journey.

The volume is divided into four sections: the first is on the essential stages in the history of the European project; the second section integrates the historical overview, with a series of essays that try to recreate the panorama of ideas emerging, over the years, in the debate around this process; the third section offers the recent contribution of the Catholic Church in the European debate, with particular attention to the two Synods dedicated to Europe and to the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Ecclesia in Europa” by Saint John Paul II; finally, the fourth section is dedicated to the Magisterium of Pope Francis concerning our Continent.

To interrupt the European process means to evoke ghosts that we had put to silence. Christians cannot withdraw when confronted with the fulfilment of their historical responsibilities towards the future of the Continent, and this requires clear political choices.

"Accènti" is the series of digital volumes edited by the Jesuit magazine, which collect, through keywords inspired by current events, the heritage of content and reflections brought together, since 1850, by La Civiltà Cattolica. The volume "Europa" is available on the website (in PDF format) and on applications for tablets and smartphones (free for subscribers to the magazine). In paper format on the Amazon store and in all the main ebook stores.
