
Meeting of the Directors of Work.

A meeting took place in Frascati from 8 to10 March to explore the links between the Apostolic Plan of the Province and the Universal Preferences of the Society.  The meeting consisted of 64 participants.  Fr. John Dardis and Daniel Kenny, Fr Dardis’ assistant at the office for discernment and apostolic planning, gave a very detailed explanation of the themes in question.  This was followed by moments of group sharing, plenary sessions as well as time dedicated to prayer and spiritual conversation. There was a good atmosphere of collaboration and sharing. The participants were informed of the necessity to put what has emerged into concrete action and to become familiar with the realities and experiences developing within the Province. "The Apostolic Body is rich and full of life.  It is experienced in its style of listening, discernment, friendship, and has a profound ability to read the signs and in the restructuring of the mission and the body which is energized by the richness of diversity ", the Provincial stressed at the end of the meeting. "The next phase of the plan, already strengthened by the reflections of these days within the different groups, is the work of the four teams that have a specific deadline to put into action the four points of the apostolic project.”
